


Jessie jots...

So we just got back from San Francisco. The trip was very enjoyable. We walked uphill, downhill until my feet hurt. But food wise, nothing in Minnesota can beat the price! So it was really worth the aching feet coz by the time you hike the first two street, you're hungry. haha! Or at least me :X

That aside, we spent a night at Yosemite National Park, then drove down to San Francisco, for all the world famous goodies: the tram, the Golden Gate bridge, the crookedest street, the hilly neighborhoods... and all that jazz. The place was undoubtedly, beautiful but if you ask me if I would live in there? I would have to pass. It is just too hectic for a slow person like me. It was kind of culture shock to see how people don't really care to talk to you or when they do, they raise their voice. Maybe I've been pampered by polite, courteous Minnesotans all these while. The real world is indeed a rude place to live in.

Alcatraz behind us and posing by the Chinatown gate. Back to my roots and yummy food ahead!

If you're wondering why I wore glasses all the time, that's because my contact lenses broke on the first day I got there! Talk about the bad luck! But it was quickly replace. Thank to my bifocals. haha Just kidding!

When we were hiking high and low for places to go in SF, Hushby got a phonecall the moment we stepped out of the bus for Japantown. He quickly picked up the phone, recognizing it was the company he went interviewed for last Friday (and it was Tuesday that they called).

Before hearing the news look.

After and the moment hearing the news look.

I didn't have a doubt he wouldn't get the job. But still, we were both surprised! Happy and stunned are the words to describe our feelings then and now.

Happy: Because Hushby got a job in Orange County, California. And we're finally moving out of Saint Cloud for good!

Stunned: We have 2 weeks to move! And so many people to meet before we leave. My god! Where do I start??

I have so much other stuff to blog about but I figure most of you would need to know this first and what I'll be busy with for the next month or so.

Hushby first day of work will be on July 7th. Isn't it funny, we are celebrating his first day of work on our 1st year anniversary?

But meanwhile, I will need a lot of time to email folks about the upcoming move. I need to look up for some moving trucks quotation for our belongings. I need to quit my job on campus and start to pack. We need to sell both of our cars. We have to look for a new apartment and go down to Orange County this weekend. The to-do list is long enough for now. I'm sure there's more coming up next week!

It's going to take me some time until the dust settles. I hope it won't take long til I post something again. Forgive me.

1 comment:

Shuh Jiuan said...

Oh my GOD!!! I am so excited and happy for both of you!!!! *screams in office* California is a nice place. It was love at first sight for me. I really miss it. I hope I get a business trip there again and visit YOU! :) Orange County is where No Doubt came from. Yay! What about your studies? Are you going to transfer credits or what? Can't wait to hear more updates!!! Congrats to Yew Wai and YOU :)